Erasmus Coordinator

Outgoing Traineeship Mobility

What is Traineeship Mobility?

Erasmus+ Internship Mobility is the internship of a student registered in a higher education institution in a company in a European Union member country or at a university holding an Erasmus University Charter. Internship Mobility aims to increase students' basic and professional knowledge, skills and competence; to increase their foreign language proficiency; understand the importance of social, linguistic, and cultural diversity by strengthening intercultural dialogue; aims to actively participate in democratic life and the labor market.
Students are given financial support for their internship activities during their stay abroad. The financial support given will not be demanded back and it is not intended to cover all the expenses of the students, it is only intended to help with the additional expenses arising from the mobility. If they wish, students can become Erasmus students without a grant ("0" grant) as Erasmus students.

Eligible Host Organizations for Traineeship Mobility

Organizations that will host the internship; businesses, training centers, research centers, and other organizations that fit the definition of business. In this context, what is meant by an eligible enterprise is any private or public institution/organization, regardless of its size, legal status, and the economic sector in which it operates, and any enterprise engaged in any economic activity, including the social economy.
However; diplomatic representations, European Union Institutions, and organizations running European Union (Community) programs cannot host within the scope of this activity.

Internship Opportunities

You can follow the websites below for various internship opportunities. Please disregard institutions that request money for any reason (visa, insurance, etc.)


Online Linguistic Support is a website for assisting the language skills of Erasmus+ participants. Students entitled to participate one of the Erasmus+ mobilities are required take OLS English language tests before and after the mobility. Also, students can take online courses, if desired, in order to improve their language skills.
OLS webpage:


Criteria for Students Applying to Erasmus+ Traineeship Mobility
  • During the application period, undergraduate students must have completed at least two semesters, and graduate students must have completed at least one semester
  • The minimum GPA of undergraduate students must be 2.20/4.00 and of graduate students must be 2.50/4.00.
  • The total duration of participation must not exceed 12 months within the same education cycle (undergraduate/graduate/doctorate).
  • Students must have acquired an acceptance/invitation letter from the receiving organization by the time of application.
Application Documents:
  • Online Application Form
  • Acceptance/Invitation Letter from the receiving organization (not compulsory)
  • Language Qualification/Score
  • Transcript (stamped)
  • Student Certificate
  • Europass CV (You can create your Europass CV on )
  • Other complementary documents (martyr’s/veteran’s relative, disability)
  • 50% of the academic achievement and 50% of the language score of each student will be calculated.
  • 10 points will be subtracted from the students who have participated in any Erasmus+ mobility within the same education cycle (undergraduate/graduate/doctorate).
  • 10 points will be subtracted from students who were entitled to the mobility and didn’t participate without a statement of renounce and applied again.
  • 10 points will be subtracted from the students who apply for two mobilities at once.
  • 5 points will be subtracted from the students who did not participate in mobility meetings/trainings when they apply again.
  • 10 points will be added to the students who provide a letter of acceptance from the institution they will do the internship when applying.
  • 15 points will be added to the students who are children of martyrs or veterans.
  • 10 points will be added to the students who are disabled.
  • 10 points will be added to students whose protection, care, or accommodation is secured within the scope of Social Service Law No. 2828.
  • After the calculation of the scores, genuine and substitute candidates will be announced on the website.
Students can participate in Erasmus+ Traineeship Mobility with or without the grant. In each case, students must apply and get involved in de candidate evaluation process. Candidate list determined based on academic achievements and language scores of the applicants, the genuine candidates will be announced as the candidates who are entitled to receive a grant.
Grants are provided to the candidates according to the amounts determined by the European Commission, calculated on daily basis, 80% before the mobility and 20% after the mobility.
In order for the grants to be provided, the duration of the traineeship must be a minimum of 60 days and a maximum of 12 months*.
Grants are designed to be a contribution and may not meet all the needs of the students during the internship.
Grants according to countries**:
Country Groups Program Countries Monthly Grants
1. and 2. Group
United Kingdom, Denmark, Finland, Ireland, Sweden, Iceland, Liechtenstein, Luxemburg, Norway, Germany, Austria, Belgium, France, Cyprus, Netherlands, Spain, Italy, Malta, Portugal, Greece  
3. Group
Bulgaria, Czech Republic, Estonia, Croatia, Lithuania, Latvia, Hungary, Macedonia, Poland, Romania, Slovakia, Slovenia
* Although the minimum duration (60 days) is fixed, our university has the right to shorten the maximum duration (12 months) according to the available quotas.
**The amounts of monthly grants might vary from year to year.


For Application:
  • Online Application Form
  • Acceptance/Invitation Letter from the receiving organization
  • Language Qualification/Score
  • Transcript (stamped)
  • Student Certificate
  • Europass CV (You can create your Europass CV on )
  • Other complementary documents (martyr’s/veteran’s relative, disability)
Before Mobility:
  • Acceptance/Invitation Letter
  • Learning Agreement for Traineeship
  • Passport and visa
  • Health, Accident and Liability Insurance
  • OLS language test
After mobility:
  • Learning Agreement for Traineeship (signed and stamped)
  • Certificate of Participation (signed and stamped)
  • Copy of the passport
  • EU Survey (will be e-mailed)
  • OLS test
Important Issues:
  • Internship institutions cannot be European Union Institutions and Agencies, and other institutions running the European Union programs.
  • The internship cannot be used for academic studies.
  • Students who want to participate in Erasmus+ Traineeship Mobility as the mandatory internship of their program should contact their department and the Erasmus office.
  • Students must take out health, accident, and liability insurance before the mobility.
  • Travel, accommodation, passport and visa procedures, and expenses are under the responsibility of the student.
  • Students who are entitled to the mobility can complete the traineeship within 12 months after graduation.