Maliye Bölümü


Course Code    Course Name Credit ECTS
Academic Year I    Fall
AYD101    Academic Writing 2.00 2
AİT101    Atatürk's Principles and Turkish Revolution History I 2.00 2
0020100003    Accounting I 3.00 5
AKT101    Academic Turkish I 2.00 2
0020100005    The basic concepts of law 3.00 4
0020100002    Entry into business I 3.00 6
0020100004    Mathematics for Economists I 3.00 3
0020100001    Intoduction yo Public Finance 3.00 6
YBD101    Foreign Language I (English) 2.00 2
TDL101    Turkish Language I 2.00 2
Academic Year I    Spring
AİT102    Atatürk's Principles and Turkish Revolution History II 2.00 2
AKT102    Academic Turkish II 2.00 2
KRP102    Carrier Planning II 1.00 2
KRP101    Carrier Planning 1.00 2
0020100009    Constitutional Law 3.00 5
0020100010    Entry into Business II 3.00 6
0020100011    Mathematics for Economists II 3.00 5
0020100012    Accounting II 3.00 5
TDL102    Turkish Language II 2.00 2
YBD102    Foreign Language I (English) 2.00 2
0020100014    Use of Basic Information Technology 2.00 3
Academic Year II    Fall
BTF201    History and Philosophy of Science 2.00 2
0020100019    Period-end Accounting Transactions 3.00 5
0020100018    History of Economic Ideas 3.00 5
0020100020    Finance Theory 3.00 6
0020100017    Mıcro Economy 3.00 6
0020100021    Turkey's Financial Structure 3.00 6
Academic Year II    Spring
0020100022    Administrative Law 3.00 4
0020100023    Public Finance 3.00 5
0020100024    Macro Economy 3.00 5
0020100025    Financial Statements Analysis 3.00 4
0020100026    Professional English 3.00 4
0020100027    Statistics in Social Sciences 3.00 4
0020100028    International Financial Institutions 3.00 4